· Part 1

· Part 2
学习了p5.js, 和Processing好像。P5是处理语言的直接JS端口。 Processing.js是一个转换器,可以将纯处理代码即时转换为JS。 后者要求您学习处理,而不是JS,反之亦然。P5简短一些?不用下载可以直接在网页上使用,无处不在。

它有一个库,可以直接查询需要的代码:https://p5js.org/reference/ (在编辑器中 Help-Reference中也可以打开)

· Part 3
The feasibility of the new idea was recognised by Micheal. Arduino was recommended and it was suggested to contact Physical Computing Specialist Technician Joanne for further technical support. The plan is to experiment with the Range Finder to control the LED lights and then to experiment with the 3D workshop materials to create the sphere.